To be able to send email using an email address based on [at] *, the mobile device must be configured first. Mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, Galaxy Tab, Android) usually have 2 options: receive email (IMAP or POP) and send email (SMTP).
Incoming Server
Incoming server is a server that is used to receive (fetch) email from the server to the mobile device. Two well-known protocols are POP3 and IMAP. We recommend using IMAP because it includes features that keep emails on the server. The POP/POP3 feature can be used if you want the emails on the server to be deleted when pulled to a mobile device.
Incoming servers vary depending on the mail server used in each department or work unit. Some examples of incoming server addresses:
Commonly used ports for incoming servers:
IMAP: Port 143
If using secure IMAP, use port 993
POP: Port 110
If using secure POP3, use port 995
Please ask directly to the admin of each department.
Outgoing Server
Outgoing server (SMTP Server) is a server used to send an email with the domain [at] * to any email.
ITB has provided an SMTP service that has a secure connection feature for sending email.
Use address on the mobile device on the Outgoing SMTP Server configuration.
- Server Name:
- Select the following port:
- StartTLS: port 587
- Username: User INA
- Password: Password INA