Temporary Power Outage
In connection with the work "Maintenance of the Interconnection System and Maintenance of CRCS and PAU Electric Substations", by the Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure (Letter No. 4321/IT1.B05.2/LK.08/2021 regarding notice of temporary power outages), we can inform you that during power outage work is in progress, then:
- DTI akan tetap menjaga agar Data Centre di PAU dan CRCS tetap dapat beroperasi normal.
- The distribution and access network devices under the CRCS core and PAU core will die (if they don't have a UPS or generator backup), so there will be internet connection problems. The following is a list of buildings that will experience internet connection problems during a power outage.
No Activity time Name of activity Affected Building 1 Sunday, November 7, 2021, 09.00 to 12.00
(or follow the actual time of the blackout activity)Interconnection System Maintenance and CRCS Substation Maintenance · CRCS · Asrama sangkuriang
· Asrama Internasional
· Asrama Kanayakan
· Asrama Kidang Pananjung
2 Sunday, November 7, 2021 2021 at 13.00 to 16.00
(or follow the actual time of the blackout activity)Maintenance of the Interconnection System and Maintenance of the PAU Substation · PAU · Perpustakaan
· Lab Tekprod
· Lab Surya
· Labtek III
· Energi
· Labtek IV
· SBM-Freeport
· Saraga
· Sabuga
- To minimize disruption to ITB activities on Monday, November 8, 2021, we urge the network admins of affected work units to enter early to anticipate handling incidents related to internet connections that require a physical visit to the device.